Episode 9

Published on:

1st Aug 2023

Breaking Bad S5E16 - Meth Goldberg Machine

It's time for Last Time On, the podcast for everyone who wants to watch all of that prestige television, but who has time for that? Our hosts don't, so they take the randomized highway down your favorite shows they haven't seen, and try to guess what happened Last Time On!

Join us as Ben and Xhafer ponder a future that might have been if we had only gotten Methbot.


Hello and welcome to last Time On, this is the


podcast for people who wanna watch all this prestige television.


But who has time for all that?


I know I don't.


I'm Jair and I am Ben.


we are nine episodes into our podcast, Ben.


And we have finished Breaking Bad.




we're talking about the finale, season five, episode 16.






I'm glad we made sure there was the rule that we have to


watch the pilot in the finale.




Uh, cuz this,


this was wise,


was great.


But also I'm just like, I wanted to watch more.


Breaking bad.


Oh, I'm gonna watch more.


Breaking bad.


I've had to stop myself from watching more.


Breaking bad until we record this episode.


Uh, I feel like, well, we'll talk about it at the end, what we're gonna


Well do not watch any of it until we have done


our, our recap, uh, episode.




So we can actually be surprised by stuff.


And j I'm gonna say you might want to watch more Breaking Bad,




but we're gonna have another show to watch.




We've got another show to watch.


I do not want to, to be in a situation where, hey, have you


watched, you know, season four, episode three of America's Next Top Model?


And you to be No, I, I'm working my way through breaking bad, and I'm like, but


we have to know what Tyra's getting up to.


We will not be doing America's Next Top Model.


why, why are you stifling Mitro


Because I'm not interested in covering reality tv.


Maybe as a, a fun bonus at some point down the line.




Watch something that is completely like, try and make a


through line of watching, like


drag race or something, or,


why am I blanking on the name of it?


one of the mtv, like we just show, music videos.


Um, just like, so what happened?


Well, there's the Smashing Pumpkins




The through line of our say what karaoke watch through is gonna be real tough.


so what we're gonna do, we actually haven't decided this yet, so we're just


gonna have this conversation on pod now.




so we're gonna do this episode for the finale.




And then I think we do our recap and then we do the episode we missed


as opposed to the other way around.




So we can watch that great episode of how, wait, you can't talk


about Breaking Bad and not have seen blah.




And we can watch that with context.




context like,


and then we'll probably take, a little bit of


a break in the release schedule.


very similar to how, my other podcast who are you, take season breaks.


We'll probably take a series break after that of a week or two, just to give


ourselves a little buffer in editing oh.


And then our predictions yes, do matter.


when we do the walkthrough recap, we're gonna find out whose predictions


were actually correct or not.


Score off that


and then, Whoever got the most points picks the next series, which will


announce at the end of the episode after.




So that way the person who gets to decide has a little bit of time to think about




I'm going to just lay this out right here to Fair.




If there is not confirmation one way or the other on what happens to Bogdon, he


got run over by a car in the car wash.


We'll look it up, Ben.




If that character just never appears again,


it's because he got run over.


It is decided.


He probably shows up when they buy the carwash, but


that's, he shows up by being run over.


what I wasn't expecting to show up was snow


at the start of this episode.




that was a surprise.




and we, so we opened,


In media, snow.


Walt is looking for a car that is unlocked and.


in a bunch of Californian writers trying to talk, like, write about,


how a car acts under the snow, even though they've never seen it.




we get somebody opening a snowpack car without just a pile of


snow falling into the driver's seat.


he's able to.


Close the door without all of the snow falling off driver's side door.




And try and, get this car going.




He tries to hot wire this car.


He gets a screwdriver out of the glove box.


That's why I never keep a screwdriver in my glove box.


And do you think he gets it out and realizes, I don't know how to hot


wire a car because he kind of just stops?


Well, he sees the lights.


There's so some police come up, he's clearly on the run, and he just kinda is


all like, oh, if I start this car right now, that might give away my position.


But if the rider knew anything about snow and cars, the


police officer would've been like, Hey, here's a car with all of the


snow off the driver's side door.


Maybe I take a look.




I think they were on the other side.


I think the cops approached from the passenger side so they


wouldn't have a chance to see it.




Is it was my read on that scene.


we get, uh, Walt finds the keys and starts the car,


and what else does he find?


A Marty Robbins cassette.


Yes, I was gonna say we get, El Paso.




this is of course foreshadowing how Gomez, our King of El Paso is so close to Walt.


Wait, man, you're cutting me deep bringing up Gomez so early.


I know.


This is, this is actually hurting me.


now Jaffe, I do have a question because he finds the keys underneath


the sun visor on the passenger seat.






in a previous episode we talked about my absolute.


Fear and being terrified of the idea,


the idea, the, yeah, the abject horror


of leaving a key on the back tire.


Have you ever known anybody to leave keys under a sun visor?


I've never known anyone to leave keys in their car except


locking themselves out of their car.


Oh, I've done that.


I've done that many times.


Once while the car was running.




I did that in high school once.




Uh, But this, the Sun visor is another.


And I've, I've learned the hard way to ask, is this just my own personal


experience not having run into this?


Or is it a, Hollywood trope that doesn't really exist?


I was humbled by finding out school nurses actually exist in the real world.


I've seen many movies, including, independence Day mm-hmm.


Where keys are hidden under the sun visor.


I have never known anyone to actually do




also Jair, do you know anything about Marty Robbins,


the performer, the singer?


I know that he was one of my dad's favorites.


That makes a lot of sense.




yeah, I mean, big Iron is a song that make regularly makes it on my playlist.


I've known it for decades.




And it was in


Fallout, new Vegas.






And so it kind of became popular again through that means, but it is just


like a song that my dad used to play.


You know,


Marty Robbins is the kind of guy where he was a country


music musician slash NASCAR driver


I did not know that.




so he is one of those guys where he is just like, okay,


well you lived the lifestyle, my dude.


Wrote 500 songs, put out 60 albums.




Just don't look into his politics.


I'm gonna guess I won't be surprised.




If you hear country western musician slash


NASCAR driver political views,


your brain makes a decision for you, and it's the correct one.




he's not a fifties country musician where it's like, no, we hate


the government and all authority.


This is after that,


we see a New Hampshire plate as Walt gets gas, which is


presumably where he stole this car from.




get confirmation of that later.


that confused and confounded me, but we'll get to that when we get there.


we see a trunk full of cash


and drugs,


He's still drinking water from a gas station hose.




He doesn't go in to like get something from the cooler.


doesn't spend a dollar on a water bottle.




we see, uh, Walt use a payphone.




Which, hey, you happen to be somewhere that still has a


payphone in, you know, wherever.


Also in, you know, The two thousands.






He calls Susan.




Pretending to be David,


David Lynn from the New York Times.


Asking about getting a photo of Mr.


And Mrs.


Schwartz for their article




looking for a time that they will be around.




gets their information and then waits for them, lets them enter the home,


turns off the waits for them to turn off the alarm, and then follows them






Them turning off the alarm.


The alarm.


Did you notice, how many, keystrokes their alarm code was?


It seemed long.






It was over 20 keystrokes.


It's a long


that is a long code.


The sort of thing where I do not want to be like, 3:45 AM I've


been driving for seven hours.


The alarm is beeping at me and I can't remember.




Or the cat tripped something and I'm just like, uh, it's 5 3, 5 4, 5 9.


Ah, I gotta start over.


I mean, it might be a pattern that's very easy.


Like 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 3, 1 4.


Or it could be like my birthday.


Your birthday.


Our anniversary.




anyways, he follows them in, they open some wine in the kitchen


as he's looking at their family photos.




And they all know each other, but we don't know them.




He empties his trunk of cash.






after they start talking, and this is some of the


pieces fall into place for me


during this conversation,


J Fair.


A question about the 9,000,720.




Because that's what he says you are going to use to set up


a trust for my, uh, my kids.




Because my wife won't talk to me.


My son won't talk to me.




And they're like, why would we do this?


And he says, because you're also going to donate 28 million to, the


charity of like helping people, whose lives are destroyed by meth.




So do we think this pile of money is the 9.7 plus the 28?




what I, I thought


know he is, had a ton of money ar around and so it's hard to


say how much he currently has because that number seems to be a, a giant.




we're a long way from $737,000.




We also find out later in this episode the money he buried.


Not this money.


Uh, so this is new money.


Other money somehow.




so they're gonna turn it over to Walt Junior in 10 months on his 18th birthday.


I believe




what we don't see here,




time on these are the people that Walt got his Nobel prize with.


I think that's the case too.


They got Rich and he got to teach high school.




And he's going to make sure, cuz he talks about them


having some kind of relationship in the past and how they got wealthy.






and so it just, that just made sense to


went into corporate chemistry.


He went into Yeah.




I did appreciate in this,


in this,


They are making their wine and when they find him, the, the


wife screams and the husband Elliot comes at Walt with a pairing knife.




And Walt is just completely nonplussed where it's just like, man, do you know how


many people have blown up with Thermite?


Do you think I care about a pairing knife?




You know, like air fighter pilots on their planes when they take


someone down, they'll put the little, the little marks and stuff.




Walt just has a ton of explosions on the side of his Aztec.




For everyone.


He is killed with Thermite.


Walt gets a handshake to seal this deal that they're gonna follow


through and set up this trust and.


Do all these things with this money, but that's not good enough.




Cuz you know, you don't become fabulous like so fabulously wealthy that you can.


Come up with, like, it would logically be I can donate ov uh,


almost 40 million to people with meth, related, lifestyle problems.




You have to be so obscenely wealthy.




And you don't get to be that rich without being like, Hey,


there's 40 million on my table.


I will just steal that.


a hundred percent.


so he informs them of the hit men


that are going


to watch them and make sure that this actually happens.


Now, in a couple of moments, we find out these hit men are actually skinny.


Pete and Badger.




Jesse's fuck up.




with laser pointers


laser pointers.


They confirmed to Walt that the blue meth is still around and Walt immediately


believes Jesse is cooking again.




Pete says he thought Jesse had moved to Alaska, though we see


Jesse has taken up woodworking,


but it's just dream woodworking.


he doesn't have enough clamps in his dreams, though, that's a problem.


You need definitely more clamps as a woodworker.


Well, but it seems like he's not gluing anything.


It's all joinery.


you still would want clamps for all kinds of stuff.




You don't just use them for glue up, so you use them to hold stuff in


place while you're doing the joinery.




There's all kinds of things you would


Well, you don't need clamps when it's, woodworking of the mind.


That's fair because we find out Jesse is not in a beautiful woodworking shop.


He is in the Nazi meth shop.




This looks just like Lydia and Todd's, uh, Heisenberg's franchise


we saw in our, previous episode.




And he is chained to a pipe pulley system from the middle of the room.




So he is clearly not there of his own volition.




Walt returns home and, pulls something from behind a power plate, and we see


Heisenberg spray painted in the wall.


This is the home is in a state of squalor.


Yes, absolute disrepair.


So we get a flashback to Walt's 50th birthday.




Uh, we get to see, uh, pilot Hank, with all of his bravado.






And then we go to a diner.


Where Walt is having his own breakfast and he has made 52 out of


bacon now giving us a firm timeline.


Everything has happened in two years.




That is




we also see Walt got himself a birthday present.


He's got an M 60


He's hanging out in the background here as, Lydia and Todd meet




He sits down with them and asks to talk for a few minutes.




He says, I just need two minutes of your time.




He's devised a new chemical process to reme, remove the need for thieving


methylene in large quantities.




Lydia asks him how they knew they were going to be there and he's


all like, this was our scheduled hang.




You just, this is your, I meet with my meth cook time.




Which goes to really time, which really shows Lydia is somehow gone from, I


let, 50 gallon drum of meth lamine fall out of my warehouse every once in


a while to I am somehow distributing meth in massive quantities to Europe.




she has gone up in the world, but she is not a criminal mastermind,




He says he'll teach them how to do this for a million dollars.


For how much?






Lydia agrees and sends him on his way, but notes to Todd that this is a


setup and they're just gonna kill his




Todd is just like, but why would we deal with him?


What's going on?


She's like, Todd, you're moron.


We're going to kill him.


Like, come on.


Come on.


out in the desert, Walt is assembling, some Deis X Blaina


that runs off his car remote


Walt is building this, this robot.


We see he's still wearing his wedding ring around his neck.




And also we see, uh, another example of Wal just being generally good at science.




And it's like, no, he's a chemist, he's not an engineer.


How does he know how to build this?


where is his expertise?


Well, Ben, I feel like this, you didn't say what


happened to her, but I feel like you asked me what happened to her.


So I'm gonna go ahead and tell you.


That after Jesse mentioned building a robot,


building meth bott,


building meth, bott, back when they were trapped in the


RV and they couldn't get it started, he actually looked into robotics.






Became a bit of an ama amateur.


I mean, it could also be, Hey, I was trying to figure


out a way to automate cooking meth.


if so, he makes some sort of, uh, meth Goldberg machine.


You just fill all of the, the beakers and then push the button.


And at the right time, the meth just comes out the other end.


So after this, we see Skylar Marie Halls with


news on Walt, he's in town.




is convinced that there's only three reasons Walt would show up in


Albuquerque, Skylar Flynn, or herself.




And Hank seems real dead here, and we get


confirmation on that in a moment.




She, she refers to Hank as in the past tense.




also I feel like Marie's giving herself a lot of credit, um, in this situation.


Uh, oh.


He's definitely coming back for me.


No, Marie.


but also she references, they found the car he stole in New Hampshire.




How do they know he stole that car?


All the meth in the back seat.


All the,


all the tidy Walter Whitey's.


Does he just like leave those wherever he goes, like the green man?


Instead of, flowers springing up wherever I tread, it's just underpants.


The camera pans and we see that Walt is already at Skyler's.


He came to say goodbye.


tonight he's tying up the last loose ends.


He gives her a lotto ticket and says that the numbers are the GPS


coordinates of Hank and Gomez's body.




saw that lottery ticket in our last episode, cuz


it was the GPS coordinates where uh, he went to find the money.




So we get confirmation of this later, it seems the Nazis dug up all


the money and dumped Hank and Gomez in


The barrels,


the money barrels.




Well just take out the barrel.


You got a huge pit.


Throw the feds in.




Which means.


R I p, my Boy Gomez.


I mean, maybe Gomez's ghost will show up and fuck something up.


Or maybe he punched out.


he was buried alive and you can't keep a go.


You can't keep Gomez down.


he admits that he did all of this for himself.




Now picked it.


He was, he was very good at it and it made him feel alive.


Now, J Fair.


Do you think he's telling the truth here?




maybe because I can see him telling the truth of like, I


actually really enjoyed this after, you know, being a high school teacher


where no one cared or respected me, I was respected, I was feared.




I will say, and we didn't watch this episode.


Knowing that the episode two episodes ago was named Ozzy Manas.






I think this is true.


I think that is a note that that enough is to say that this is true.


It could also be he was looking upon his works, he mighty and


despairing and nothing besides remains where he just watched everything he


built just be completely washed away.




I was reading it and I was just like, Could it possibly, I


I do think it means the


poem, not not the Watchman character.




To be clear.


but yeah, I was thinking could it be him trying to


say what Skylar wants him to say because she, she says like, don't


tell me you did it for the family.


And he's like, maybe if I absolve her of that, she can move on so she doesn't


have to think like, Are money problems because I refused to get a job because


my novel was totally going to come out.


I mean, it is very unfair to him for, of him to place it solely on her.




but also we don't know how much she didn did or didn't try


to help fix their situation.




just cuz we didn't watch those episodes.


I could see it conceivably being, Man, I actually


really loved being a drug kingpin.


It, it rules, um, or I could see it being, I'm going to be dead tomorrow.


I'm going to, you know, absolve her of any feeling of complicity in my downfall.


He gets a death sentence in the first episode and becomes, you know, who


he is, who he could be if unleashed.




We see that de agents are keeping tabs on Flynn, as Walt also watches, from a




Hiding behind a wall.


Sneaky, peeping


Walt rolls into the compound with the, uh, Nazis


and is escorted in, searched.


His keys get taken and he meets with the Nazis.


Walt is gonna get taken out back.


But instigates, with the Windmill Tan two enthusiast who reveals Jesse is


cooking for them but is not a partner.




And this was one bit where, like, this is a great episode, but this


is one bit where I'm just like having to suspend my disbelief.


I forget the name of the head, Nazi.


He's a head Nazi, so screw him.








Uh, in my notes,


in my notes.


he's like, take him out back, shoot him.


And he's like, fine.


Yeah, whatever.


Keep working with Jesse.


And he's like, no, no, no, no.




You think I'm working with a rat?


No, I've just got one enslaved.


Let me show you.


And it's like, why are you, why do you care that Walt is going to, be shot?


Thinking differently of you are, are you worried he will get to hell and


be like, and Jack works with rats.


I'm gonna tell all the Nazis here.




That will really change things in this situation.


I'm assuming there was a time jump here cuz Walt has hair now.


He has a beard.


He's not shaved head and goateed.


He might have just been shaving his head for a while.


he does admit that he was shaving his head.


but hair takes time to grow.


I mean, hair can go pretty fast,


but he has, you know, an inch and a half, two inches.


I mean,


there's, at least months have transpired.


I would put a month.




I don't know.


My hair grows very fast, apparently.


I, I have, have recently become a shaved headman, and I do have


to worry about five o'clock head shadow.


so I understand the, fast-growing hair, but it was just interesting


seeing, disheveled Walt and them making fun of him for it.




Todd goes to


collect Jesse


as Walt


go, gets his keys.


Jesse looks worse than Walt.




Walt tackles him and then starts the trap shooting up all those Nazi fucks.




he use has an automated machine gun.




Uh, now, Walt is on top of Jesse originally having tackled


him, but now clearly keeping him out of the line of fire.




Did you happen to notice what happened to Walt?


You mean that he got shot in the scene?




No, I didn't notice until they showed us.


I was watching the rest of the people.


So I was paying close attention to Jesse in the background and I


was paying close attention to Todd specifically in the background,


because Todd also does not get shot.




Todd also doesn't get shot.


Jesse does get shot, but survives and we see him moving.




but, you do see Walt get hit and he grunts, So it was a, one of those things


where it's like, I appreciated that from a, like, TV making, production standpoint.




Because so often in a thing like this, you'll have that character who gets


like, oh man, there was all the shooting going on and I got hit in the side.


It's like, when did that happen?


you know, we were watching all these people get, you know, blasted.


When did our, like sidekick get shot?


and that they actually showed, it was like, All right.


That's some craft here.


I really appreciate that.




I also appreciated that not all of the Nazis are dead, dead.


Like they're clearly dying.




but they didn't fall into the trope of a bullet, instantly kills you.






Definitely not how that works.


so, Todd, Jesse, and Walt all appear to be the only survivors initially.


Jesse chokes Todd?




With his chains.


Yes, Walt finds a gun and kills Jack who has been


severely wounded, but still alive.


And I loved this because Jack tries to be like, well, of course


you're worried about your barrels of money, and if you shoot me out,


you'll never know where they are.


So allow me to now start negotiating and whilst just like, bam,










Everything I need to do is done.




Uh, yeah.


So Jesse, JBAs Todd.


Walt shoots Jack.


It's great.


Would it be Jing Todd or would it be Leia Todd?


Um, I would


Todd gets Jabba.


Todd gets Java.




I'm just, Leia kills enough people that you have to like,


uh, yeah, because she's a badass.


Walt slides, Jesse the gun.


Jesse holds him at gunpoint,




won't shoot until Walt says that he wants to die.


Jesse sees that Wal has already been shot and doesn't shoot, instead of telling


him he can do it himself if he wants to


I don't think he's seen that Walt is shot.


He they show it,


they show it later


No, they show it.


They show it here.


they show it after Jesse leaves?


No, they show it






He like, looks down and he's like holding his side and stuff.


I didn't, Pick that up.


I thought Jesse was more just like, you want me to kill you


for some sort of catharsis cuz you think it'll be good for me.


Yeah, no, shoot yourself.


I'm not killing any more people.


I killed Todd.


That is my win.




Todd's phone goes off and it's a separate ringtone.




We find out that Todd is the kind of guy who has, special


ringtones for special people.




I should have put that on my predictions because I've been proven, right?




it's the tattooed lady.


and Walt answers and tells Lydia she's already dead.




There all the Nazis are dead.


Todd's dead.


She's dead.




got poisoned with




Didn't expect a Ryon callback.


Classic Walt.




what he picked up from his, the old house.




That was the Ricin.


And he knew, that she always put Stevia in her tea.


Which is why when she got there, there was only one packet.




Because he raced it.


Jesse looks at Walt as he gets in the car and drives off.


Walt goes to the lab at the Nazi compound and the cops start to drive up.


Walt collapses as baby blue, as baby blue plays, and we get a


slow twisting crane overhead.


As he dies, the cops come into the compound and it's done


now to fair.




We have some bits where Walt is, is longingly and lovingly looking at


the science equipment in the meth lab.




As he, you know, feels his life slipping away.


But he couldn't have been in there very long.




The cops get there quick.


Well, the cops are responding to the sustained


minute something of gunfire.


You have to assume minutes of gunfire at Nazi


compound isn't out of the ordinary.


Or if it is, would they have cops have come when they shot him out back?


I mean, throughout all we've seen of this show, emergency


services respond significantly faster than they should.




Where, why are all these cops out here in rural New Mexico near a compound,


so that way red and blue lights can flash off of the


equipment to make the shot prettier.


I know, but it's also like, Hey, maybe there


should be a bunch of cops here.


It's a Nazi compound.


Like there should at least be like one guy with binoculars here all the time.


I'm okay with my taxpayer dollars paying for guy outside of every compound.




But yes, we do end with Walt dead.






So we don't have any more predictions to make.




the show is over unless you wanna predict what happens in El Camino.


No, I, no, no, no.


so we've been told that season three, episode 10 fly is the one to see.




from, multiple people who, multiple friends of ours who


have recommended the show said that's a really good episode.




did we look at a.


Sure did


a list of top episodes.




I took a list, a couple lists of top.


I think I looked at three different lists of top episodes at this point.




you'd be surprised how many of them we hit.


I was wondering cuz it fe felt like, man, we hit some bangers.




Taj Lee is on that list on most of the lists I saw.


Dead Freight is on most of the lists I saw.


salute is on most of the lists I saw.


Four days Out is on most of the lists I saw.


Ozzy Manez might be the one to miss.


it is the only TV show episode on I M D B that has a perfect 10 out of 10.


It has 198,000 ratings, and it is a 10 out of 10.


Why aren't we watching that one?






because it's in the three episodes between Exactly,


Because it's, we watched the start of the finale


and the end of the finale and it's basically a big four parter, so Okay.


We're not watching it because


we'd have to watch the two in between and at that point.


Yeah, yeah,


Just like we just watched the whole finale.




uh, keeping in with the spirit of the pod fly is what we're gonna watch,


which is season three, episode 10.


A long night in the meth lab, pit waltz, and Jesse against a pesky fly that


refuses to die no matter what they do.


And all the girls say, I'm pretty fly for a meth guy.


All right, so next week, we'll we, we will be back with our reading


through a synopsis of Breaking Bad to see what we got right and what we got wrong.




And to score a final tally of points.


Uh, but until then,


like to thank Ripe for letting us use their.


Absolute fucking banger of a song Goon Squad as our theme music.


It's awesome.


as this episode airs, their tour, I believe will be wrapping


up slash have just wrapped up.


but you should totally check them out on Spotify, on,


whatever you listen to music on.


They're on everything as far as I know.


they're great.


Go listen to them.


You will.


Thank yourself for it.




also like to thank Annette Lucina for.


Using the Creative Commons license in your photography so that we could


take that wonderful picture of a TV and turn it into our podcast.




We appreciate the hell outta you and using Creative Commons.


We'll see you next week, internet.


See you next time on last time on.


You're a good girl.


You didn't fuck up.


You were just


being a dog.


just being a dog.


But you're too jangly girl.


too jangly puffing.




such a jangly




Okay, come here.


Yes, you're a good girl.




some pets.




This is all getting edited out anyways,




doesn't, and


I don't know


with that at the






Stop licking my hands.




you, girl.


Yes, I know they taste like pizza.


Yes, I know you want pizza.


No, you can't have

Show artwork for Last Time On

About the Podcast

Last Time On
Who's Got Time For All This Prestige TV?
Who has time for all this prestige television these days? Not us! That's why Ben and Xhafer are going through "must watch" TV by skipping a random number of episodes in-between each viewing and connecting the dots on what happened. What happened Last Time On? What happen hurr?

Shout out to Ripe for our theme music, Goon Squad. Find them wherever you listen to music.

About your hosts

Benjamin Curley

Profile picture for Benjamin Curley

Xhafer Husen

Profile picture for Xhafer Husen